Lisa Kleissner
As an impact investor since 2000, Lisa is joyfully aligning her family capital with her business acumen to help make the world a better place.
Lisa is a well-known speaker, advocate, and author on topics related to leveraged and holistic approaches to philanthropy and impact investing. She is a co-founder and treasurer of Toniic, a global impact investing platform. She is also an executive board member and treasurer of The Philanthropy Workshop West, a transformative donor education program. In addition, she co-founded and serves on the board of Social-Impact International, an incubator of capacity-building programs for social enterprise. Lisa also co-founded Hawaii Investment Ready, a capacity-building program for indigenous and island social enterprises.
These organisations are building a movement to bring down the barriers to impact investing while transforming how we define and create wealth. They also aim to identify, capacity-build, and scale regional and indigenous social enterprises.
Lisa grew up in Hawaii and attended the Kamehameha Schools and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she graduated with a BA in Environmental Design. Before co-founding the KL Felicitas Foundation, she was the President of The Kleissner Group, which provides full-service high-tech and bio-tech facility solutions for start-ups in Silicon Valley. She also held project management positions at Apple and Borland.