Sandstone rocks in hruba skala czechia 2023 11 27 05 13 32 utc (1)

Impact investeren, Filantropie & Fiscaliteit

Tuesday 5 November | 15:00 - 17:30 | Amsterdam

Sandstone rocks in hruba skala czechia 2023 11 27 05 13 32 utc (1)

Impact investeren, Filantropie & Fiscaliteit

Tuesday 5 November | 15:00 - 17:30 | Amsterdam


This gathering will be held in Dutch. Visit the Dutch version of our website for more information.

On November 5th, HVK Stevens, the Donor Impact Invest Fund, and PYM will explain in a simple and concise way which forms of impact investing will become more expensive after January 1st, 2025, due to changes in the tax code. At the same time, we will show which forms will remain tax-favorable.

Date: Tuesday 5 November
15:00 - 17:30
The Amsterdam office of HVK Stevens

What is HVK Stevens?

HVK Stevens specializes in advising entrepreneurs, corporates, private equity funds, charities, families and family businesses. 

Legal and tax issues can be very complex. The goal of HVK Stevens is to reduce issues of asset structuring, mergers and acquisitions, governance, donations and ANBIs, among others, to clear, understandable solutions that you can get started on right away. Explaining complex matters in a simple manner is an art that they understand. At HVK Stevens, you will not get long, theoretical stories but a concrete solution to your problem in clear language.

What is the Donor Impact Invest Fund?

Our society needs sustainable solutions to global problems. Many social entrepreneurs are working toward those kinds of solutions and, by extension, toward achieving their goals. Unfortunately, they often struggle to finance their start-up phase. There are no revenues from business activities yet and raising funds through larger investors is still difficult because the business model is not yet proven.

The Donor Impact Invest Fund (DIIF) helps social enterprises through this so-called “Valley of Death” if their sustainable solutions have the potential to become mainstream and thus can really make a difference. They bridge the funding gap and do so with 100% of the funds they obtain through donations. In doing so, they work on a rotating basis, which is unique for the Netherlands. Specifically, it means that after repayment, they put the invested donor funds back into the startup phase of another promising startup. In this way, they guarantee that the donations from our donors generate the greatest possible impact.

What is PYM

PYM is an independent foundation that connects and guides wealth owners to invest their capital consciously for a better world. We are a peer-to-peer community of families, philanthropists, individual investors, family offices, and foundations.
We believe in the power of money as a force for good. That is why we promote listed and non-listed impact investing. You can invest successfully in businesses, directly or through funds, that have a purpose beyond profit.

We focus on investors in the Benelux, but we welcome everyone who shares our goals to join us.

*The content of this event does not constitute professional and/or financial advice but is intended to give you a flavour of what is out there in this field. 


Stichting PYM
Amstel 256, 1017 AL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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